Вот такая печальная новость:
Google has a new permission policy and has denied phone number access permission for call recording apps including ACR under this policy.
From the beginning of March 2019, call recording apps will not be able to access to the incoming or outgoing phone number of the active call.
This change will not affect previous recordings or call recording in general.
We have given our 6 years to ACR and Google Play Store only to have it crippled by this policy. It breaks our hearts for it to be crippled like that. Unfortunately, we have no other way but to comply with the Play Store’s new policy.
We will be releasing an update in the beginning of March 2019 to remove denied permissions from ACR.
ACR would automatically be updated to the new version if you have auto updates enabled on the Play Store app.
This will cripple many advanced features of ACR Pro and Free depending on knowing the phone number. For example, Excluded/Included numbers, recording by contacts will not be available.
This is Google’s policy and only applies to the Google Play store. We hope to release fully functional version of ACR called «ACR Unchained» on other app stores such as Huawei and Samsung and keep required permissions for accessing phone number during the call.
ACR Unchained will accept Pro Key as usualACR
В связи с этим лучше отключить авто-обновление у приложения ACR запись звонков.
Или скачать версию Call Recorder без урезанного функционала.
Вообще с этими законами о неприкосновенности частной жизни Google скоро пойдёт ко дну. Хотя в другой новости говорят, что ходят слухи, будто в Android Pie сделают нативную поддержку записи разговора. При этом каждые 15 секунд абонент будет слышать характерный звук, уведомляющий его о том, что производится запись разговора.
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