Unity: Отличия activeInHierarchy от activeSelf

На сцене нужно создать три объекта:
1. ParentObject

  •  ChildObject

3. ToggleObject

На объект ToggleObject добавить скрипт ActiveInHierarchyExample.cs:

//This script shows how activeInHierarchy differs from activeSelf. Use the toggle  to alter the parent and child GameObject’s active states. This makes it output the child GameObject’s state in the console.
//It also shows how activeSelf outputs that the child GameObject is active when the parent is not, while the activeInHierarchy lists the child GameObject as inactive.

using UnityEngine;

public class ActiveInHierarchyExample : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject m_ParentObject, m_ChildObject;
    //Use this for getting the toggle data
    bool m_ActivateParent, m_ActivateChild;
    //Use these for deciding if console is needing updated
    bool m_HierarchyOutput, m_SelfOutput;

    bool activeSelfChild;
    bool activeInHierarchyChild;

    void Start()
        //Deactivate parent and child GameObjects and toggles
        m_ActivateParent = false;
        m_ActivateChild = false;
        //Ables script to output current state of GameObject to console
        m_HierarchyOutput = false;
        m_SelfOutput = false;

    void Update()
        //Activates the GameObject you attach depending on the toggle output

        //Find out if the GameObject is active in the Game and checks if this state has been output to the console
        if (m_HierarchyOutput == false)
            //Output the state of the GameObject’s activity if it hasn't already been output
            Debug.Log(m_ChildObject.name + " (activeInHierarchy): " + m_ChildObject.activeInHierarchy);
            Debug.Log(m_ChildObject.name + " (activeSelf): " + m_ChildObject.activeSelf);
            //The state of the GameObject is output already, so no need to do it again
            m_HierarchyOutput = true;
        //Check to see if the assigned GameObject is active despite parent GameObject's status
        if (m_ChildObject.activeSelf && m_SelfOutput == false)
            //Output the message if the GameObject is still active

            Debug.Log(m_ChildObject.name + " (activeInHierarchy): " + m_ChildObject.activeInHierarchy);
            Debug.Log(m_ChildObject.name + " (activeSelf): " + m_ChildObject.activeSelf);

            //Debug.Log("Child Active, parent might not be");
            //You no longer need to output the message
            m_SelfOutput = true;
        activeSelfChild = m_ChildObject.activeSelf;
        activeInHierarchyChild = m_ChildObject.activeInHierarchy;


    void OnGUI()
        //Switch this toggle to activate and deactivate the parent GameObject
        m_ActivateParent = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 10, 200, 30), m_ActivateParent, "Activate Parent GameObject");
        //Switch this toggle to activate and deactivate the child GameObject
        m_ActivateChild = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 30), m_ActivateChild, "Activate Child GameObject");

        //If a change is detected with the toggle, the console outputs updates
        if (GUI.changed)
            m_SelfOutput = false;
            m_HierarchyOutput = false;

После запуска сцены, объект ParentObject будет деактивирован, а вместе с ним станет неактивным ChildObject (они оба станут серого цвета).

Если родительский объект неактивен, и дочерний объект неактивен, то:

Если родительский объект неактивен, а дочерний объект активен, то:

Если родительский объект активен и дочерний объект активен, то:

Если родительский объект активен, а дочерний объект неактивен, то: